Title 1 » Overview


Grandview Elementary School

Every Student Succeeds Act

Use of Funds

  • Grandview Elementary School implements the use of state and federal fund regulations as stated in
    Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015.

Description of Schoolwide Program

Grandview Elementary School’s Title I Schoolwide Program is based on the belief that students will
benefit most from their education when schools are given the opportunity to improve the entire
instructional program. The schoolwide option allows Grandview to focus on the entire student
population. Title I funds are used to provide supplemental instruction in reading by supporting 4
full-time intervention specialists. The task of these specialists is to increase students' reading
achievement by providing literacy intervention for struggling readers from kindergarten to grade 5.
The instruction provided is in addition to the two hour reading block scheduled for students. One
of the intervention specialist is dedicated to providing additional instruction focusing on
literacy achievement in only grades 4 and 5.

The essence of Grandview's schoolwide program is the flexibility which allows school staff to make
educational decisions about how instruction, curriculum, assessment, and resources are used to help
students meet challenging academic standards. Students receiving supplemental instruction are
identified through a wide variety of assessments, including Acadience, 4Sight, STAR, MAZE, CDT,
PSSA, and other locally developed formative and summative assessments. By analyzing assessment
data, school and grade-level data teams determine the programs and services that best meet the
needs of each student.

In addition to flexibility, accountability is another component of Grandview's schoolwide plan.
Teachers are accountable for meeting the PA Core Standards and increasing what students know and
are able to do as they reach various stages in their academic development.

Components of a Schoolwide Program

    •  Grandview Elementary School teachers must be licensed/certified for the grade and subject they teach – Bachelor of Science Degree, teacher certification, and passed state teacher assessments and/or additional courses.
    •  The Title I Staff and the Parent Advisory Council develop a written District Parent and Family Engagement Policy, School Parent and Family Engagement Policy and School- Parent-Student Compact that is shared on the Derry Area School District website and with all parents.


    •   Grandview Elementary School’s Title I Schoolwide Plan is reviewed and assessed by the Title I Parent Advisory Council and Title I Staff members.
    •   Grandview Elementary School’s Schoolwide Plan is annually updated.
    •   District Parent and Family Engagement Policy is approved by the Board of Education.